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Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Study and Practice Book for Ages 10-11 (Year 6) - Foxton Books

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Study and Practice Book for Ages 10-11 (Year 6)



ISBN: 9781839251337
Published by: Foxton Books
Author: Jackie Walls
Pages: 102
Release Date: 8 January 2024
Dimensions: 210 mm x 297 mm
Packaged Dimensions: 230 mm x 340 mm x 10 mm 
Weight: 400 grams 
Packaged Weight: 500 grams 

The Foxton Year 6 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Study and Practice Book continues coverage of the upper Key Stage 2 English Curriculum alongside the Foxton Year 5 SPaG Practice Book. It is divided into helpful sections:

1. Sound Spelling – This section revises and practises tips and rules from the Years 3 to 5 curricula and includes new learning and skills. It focuses on broadening knowledge of hyphens in prefixed words, suffixes, word families, near homophones, dictionary and thesaurus use and more.
2. Perfect Punctuation – This section helps students to assess how confident they are with using a range of punctuation marks in their writing and explains why we use more complex and subtle additions like colons, semi-colons, hyphens, brackets and dashes.
3. Great Grammar – Here we take a look at practising and refining the art of writing sentences. We focus on informal and formal grammar and vocabulary and when to use it, how to organise text using structures, including bullet points and captions, and when to use the passive voice and subjunctive form in writing.

Throughout the book, key spellings are used (words in blue) along with vocabulary taken from the Upper Key Stage 2 National Curriculum for Geography, History and Science to teach and practise the skills for Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation.

Self-assessment quizzes after each part in the book remind students to look back at what they have learned and check their understanding to prompt more practice and mastery.

The answer section allows students to check their accuracy and celebrate their success with helpers along the way.