Foxton's 11 Plus Vocabulary Quizzes

Clean and beautiful interface

The beautiful interface, easy-to-navigate screen and zero adverts will help the student concentrate on the quiz.

Flag questions and try later

You got stuck at a question? Just click on the flag icon at the top and move on to the next question. When you have finished all the questions, click on the arrow on the left side of the flag. You will see all the flagged questions which you may wish to try to answer again.
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See your score instantly!

Completed the test and want to find out your score? Just press "Submit All" button and you will see your score out of 100 points.

Review your answers easily

Just click the "Review Quiz" button and you will be able to see the choices you have made. The correct choice will have a green tick and if you have chosen the wrong one, it will be highlighted in red.
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You can print out your results or save them as PDF! Just click on "Print Results" on the top right of the results screen.